Saturday, September 17, 2005

Simple joys of teaching...

He is indeed changing... and it’s for the better. Soon after talking to Patrick, he copied the notes in Language that day and for the very first time, he finished his work in the classroom. The other teachers, who actually didn’t know what happened earlier that day, also reported to me, as his adviser, the sudden change in Patrick. They were actually surprised and also very happy, as I recounted to them what transpired and what caused him to change. I am so happy with what’s happening but, I am not also disregarding the possibility of Patrick going back to his old ways after a day or two. There were also doubts from other teachers that the change is just for a short period of time and I was forewarned not to really set high hopes because I might be disheartened if that happens. I am very much aware that one cannot just change in one snap of a finger, or in just a blink of an eye. Nevertheless, I am thinking positively and I’m also praying that Patrick is really sincere in his desire to change.

Patrick is not the only student in my class who needs close supervision. In fact, as one of my co-workers jokingly remarked... I am so lucky to have in my class a lot of problem students. :) All the same, I am still thankful and happy because I know that these are just challenges God has prepared for me, which actually mold me to be stronger and better. As I see it, these are just spices in my life, and I am ready to play against them. :)

I will continue to follow-up on Patrick, but as for now, I have other students who also need my “motherly” supervision and love. :)


ria said...

partner! i am sooo happy for you! college pa lang tayo dream na natin yan. mwah!

Wanderer Lady said...

bes, they are blessed to have you as you are blessed to have them. i wish i could see you teach. miss you. lovealways.

tontoronton said...

tonton says...

a pat a day
keeps patrick at bay
