Friday, April 30, 2010

How do you know if it's a "NO"?

I pray to God for anything and everything. Simple or complicated, I know God doesn’t mind. He wants it better when we run to Him for help and for comfort.

Sometimes, some of the things that happen in our life are contrary to what we’ve been praying for. When things don’t turn out the way we want them to, should we still be persistent in prayer? When and how do we know if God is already saying... “NO...NO...NO”?

Today’s reading says that we, adults, are no longer like kids, who are very pushy when they want to get something. Kids are indeed very persistent. My students would repeatedly and ceaselessly ask me for lots and lots of things (sometimes, every second –seriously! just to get what they want!)... Ms. Jam, can I go play again? Ms. Jam, can we go to the park? Ms. Jam, can I have more cookies? Ms. Jam, can I do this? Ms. Jam, can I do that? Ms. Jam...Ms. Jam...Ms.Jam!

Sometimes, they get me to concede. I give in because they just won’t stop...

Is God like that? Would He eventually concede if I insist on getting what I want?

To quote Bo Sanchez: "The universe adjusts to your expectations. If you expect nothing, you get nothing. Ask. Not for a bit. Not for a little. Ask for a double portion!"

That’s why I haven’t given up on my prayers. That’s why I haven’t truly let go of some of the things in my life right now. That’s why I continue to hope, to plan, to aspire, to dream, and to love. It is because I know that God is always listening. He never says "no" to me… He simply answers my prayers in a way that’s best for me.


Anonymous said...

I came across your blog by accident. And as I was reading your blogs, I felt that some of it were mirrors of what has happened in my life. You have a gift of inspiring people. Continue blogging! You never know you just brought a smile in a stranger's heart.

jAmiLaH said...

to anonymous:
thank you! i'm glad that in my own little ways i am able to inspire others. :) Godbless!

Anonymous said...

God bless you too, Ms. Jam! In a way, I feel that I did not come across your page by accident. I believe that God, in His mysterious way, guided me in your blog site as an answer to some of the questions that has been bugging me. You made a big difference on how I view certain things! So, thank you! And I pray that what you have been praying for will come true.

jAmiLaH said...

aww...thank you! my heart already swells when friends appreciate my blogs..and now i know it's even more heartwarming when total strangers like you also get inspiration from my writings. i basically write to share my own experiences in life (mostly in the classroom), with somehow, a hope to encourage others, and i am just glad that it's already happening.:) thanks so much again! may u have lasting peace of mind. :) Godbless u always...:)